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Wear and tear in a sentence

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Sentence count:75Posted:2017-03-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: depreciationSimilar words: near and dearwearablefar and nearappearanceforbearanceyear after yearweartearMeaning: n. decrease in value of an asset due to obsolescence or use. 
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31. Seller shall maintain all such goods in good order and condition subject, in the case of tooling, patterns and the like, to fair wear and tear.
32. Knives and scissors made By Zhang Xiaoquan stand wear and tear.
33. These figures do not account for wear and tear on US military equipment, costs of reconfiguring the US military to wage colonial wars in the Third World, or the cost of replacing worn-out equipment.
34. Minor wear and tear in the journal, simply press out the old bushings with new bushings, and revised from time-axis in general, it can get back to the gap with the extent permitted.
35. Wear and tear of tooth of the person that weigh, produce occlusive scar, can produce periodontosis to change.
36. Use nylon to insure the mop to stand wear and tear, several lifetimes than the plastic ones.
37. The new material withstands even the greatest wear and tear.
38. Private planes save a lot of wear and tear on our employees.
39. The truck shows scarcely any sign of wear and tear.
40. It was confirmable that possibility of casing failure increases under the combined action of shale swelling and wear and tear. Also, the author gives some protective measures.
41. Historical experience shows that among the several levels, is a natural process of wear and tear.
42. No noise, no wear and tear and operational reliability[], ease of maintenance.
43. Ordinary depreciation is the planned deduction for wear and tear during normal use of an asset.
44. This material can stand a lot of wear and tear.
45. Unique flat diaphragm design reduces wear and tear for long service life.
46. Apart from fair wear and tear, the car is in excellent condition.
47. Steam turbine, generator rotor journal wear and tear, strain of the electro - brush plating, thermal spray repair.
48. But given time, the rail will take a lot of wear and tear[ and tear.html], and our system will scrutinise every small change at all times.
49. This bike is designed to handle normal wear and tear.
50. Original light fittings and door fixtures beguile with their period charm and obvious wear and tear.
51. Degenerative terms such as "wear and tear" and "disc space loss" indicated a progressive loss of structural integrity.
52. It is confirmed that the compound fiber material is better than traditional ones in rubbing coefficient and rate of wear and tear, it is useful in the clutch, bra...
53. Cap . 59 were frequently cutter, wipehis with pumice , wear and tear on both sides.
54. Common sense tells you that any dark or saturated colour will show dirt, dust and ordinary wear and tear more readily than lights colours and textures.
55. The insurance policy cover most damage but not fair wear and tear to the machine.
56. Osteoarthritis is due to wear and tear with loss of articular cartilage.
57. The repair or maintenance of the Premises arising from ordinary wear and tear shall be the responsibility of the Landlord.
58. He pointed out that e-books were not only cheaper, because of the lack of wear and tear and thefts, but they also offered great opportunities for older housebound readers.
59. Seller shall maintain such materials in good order and condition subject to fair wear and tear and shall dispose of or return such materials as Buyer directs.
60. Side slipping is one of the factors influencing automobile tire wear and tear, handling stability and security.
More similar words: near and dearwearablefar and nearappearanceforbearanceyear after yearweartearwearyswearwear outwear offtear offtear upwearingwear downtear downtearingtear gasin tearsfootwearwearinessunderwearearachebearableclear awaycrocodile tearsrearrangeprearrangedsearch warrant
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